By Keith O’Sullivan

I still remember the day you left us, like it was just yesterday.

A few days before you were going out to dinner, laughing and full of the life that we knew was in short supply. I remember the morning, as you were struggling to breathe. We went about our day as you were taken to the hospital for oxygen. I later learned you had crashed in the ambulance on the way, a mere ten minute drive away. They brought you back, just long enough for you to say goodbye.

How was I supposed to know, that the last I would see of you was that final wave goodbye?

Ten Years

It’s been ten years since you left

Images of you are etched
deeper than mere memories;
long shadows scrawled across
half-remembered dreams

Your voice is now nothing more
than a tactile whisper,
calling to me when least expected
and lingering behind burning eyes

Words turn to ash in my mouth
and my response remains unspoken

Time has moved on alone

It’s been ten years
and I’m still here –

Screaming silently

into the night

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