
By Keith O’Sullivan It’s been a while since I last posted something here that wasn’t a short story, or podcast related. So I thought I’d do something different while I’m working through the production on the next episode. I don’t write to prompts too much anymore, but I quite enjoy sitting down for a few…

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Days 1-∞

By Keith O’Sullivan I scribbled this one out a while back, but haven’t done much with it since. When I was perusing through submissions and competitions earlier in the year, it was too long for most of the submission criteria, so it kind of sat in my notebook for a few months. As 2023 has…

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By Keith O’Sullivan Today is a day that has occupied my mind for ten years, and sat heavier still on my shoulders for the last seven months. And somehow along the way, I managed to forget what date it was, only to rememeber when it was already mostly over. Time is funny like that I…

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By Keith O’Sullivan I wrote this one for a twitter prompt a few months back. Most of my writing for the past year or so has been pretty directed, so it was fun and interesting to do something unexpected and spontaneous again. I’ve also found over the years that pieces I write to prompts always…

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Ten Years

By Keith O’Sullivan I still remember the day you left us, like it was just yesterday. A few days before you were going out to dinner, laughing and full of the life that we knew was in short supply. I remember the morning, as you were struggling to breathe. We went about our day as…

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